Wednesday 4 April 2018

Python: Interview Questions:MCQ's

Python: Interview Questions MCQ
 Given the following Python statements
>>> a = 'nicola tesla'
>>> b = 'nicola tesla'
What will be the output of following statements?
1.     a is b

2.     a == b

3. What is the output of the following program snippet?
   a = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
   b = a

4.     The value of the expression:
4 + 3 % 5
a) 4
b) 7
c) 2
d) 0
5.     What is the output of the code shown below?
def mk(x):
    def mk1():
    return mk1
def mk2():
p = mk(mk2)

a) Decorated
b) Ordinary
c) Ordinary
d) Decorated
6.  What is the output of the code shown below?

def f(x):
    def f1(a, b):
        if b==0:
        return f(a, b)
    return f1
def f(a, b):
    return a%b

a) hello
b) hello
Zero Division Error
c) NO
d) hello

7.  What is the output of the code shown below?
def d(f):
    def n(*args):
        return '$' + str(f(*args))
    return n
def p(a, t):
    return a + a*t

a) 100
b) $100
c) $0
d) 0
8.  What is the output of print(k) in the following?
k = [print(i) for i in my_string if i not in "aeiou"]

a) all characters of my_string that aren’t vowels
b) a list of Nones
c) list of Trues
d) list of Falses

9.  What is the output of the code shown below?
for i in zip(l1, l2):
a) 2, -2
4, -4
6, -6
b) [(2, -2), (4, -4), (6, -6)]
c) (2, -2)
(4, -4)
(6, -6)
d) [-4, -16, -36]

10.          Which of these about a dictionary is false?
a)    The values of a dictionary can be accessed using keys
b)    The keys of a dictionary can be accessed using values
c)    Dictionaries aren’t ordered
d)    Dictionaries are mutable

11.          What is the output of the code shown below?
w = {"house":"Haus","cat":"Katze","red":"rot"}
w1 = {"red":"rouge","blau":"bleu"}
print w

12.          What is the output of the following code?
count[(1,2,4)] = 5
count[(4,2,1)] = 7
count[(1,2)] = 6
count[(4,2,1)] = 2
tot = 0
for i in count:

a)    25
b)    17
c)    16
d)    Tuples can’t be made keys of a dictionary

13.          Write a one-line python statement that swaps the key-value pairs of a dictionary?
Example: if a dictionary is x = { ‘a’:1, ‘b’:2 } the output should be { 1:’a’, 2:’b’ }

14.          Write a one-line python statement that dynamically generates a list of all even numbers between 0 to 100 without using mod operator?

     15. What is the output of the line of code shown below?
   re.split('\W+', 'Hello, hello, hello.')

a) [‘Hello’, ‘hello’, ‘hello.’]
b) [‘Hello, ‘hello’, ‘hello’]
c) [‘Hello’, ‘hello’, ‘hello’, ‘.’]
d) [‘Hello’, ‘hello’, ‘hello’, ‘’]

16.          Write a python function that will take hex values
(Eg: “00:2B:2C:5A:5B:23:25”) as a string and
a.  Extract 2nd and 3rd bytes of the string and print them in reversed order. Eg: “2B:2C” will be printed as “2C:2B”
b.  Check is if the 6th byte is zero, if so return True, else return False

17.          What is the output of the following code?
>>> class demo():
      def __repr__(self):
            return '__repr__ built-in function called'
      def __str__(self):
            return '__str__ built-in function called'
>>> s=demo()
>>> s

a) Error
b) Nothing is printed
c) __str__ called
d) __repr__ called

18.          What is the output of the following piece of code?
class A:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
    def __str__(self):
        return 1
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.x * self.y == other.x * other.y
obj1 = A(5, 2)
obj2 = A(2, 5)
print(obj1 == obj2)

a) False
b) 1
c) True
d) An exception is thrown

19.          Write a python function that removes all spaces in a string and returns the resultant string?

20.          You will be given an array of numbers in which some numbers occur once and the rest occur more than once. Your task will be to write a python function to return the sum of the numbers that occur only once.
For example, repeats([4,5,7,5,4,8]) = 15 because only the numbers 7 and 8 occur once, and their sum is 15.


1.  False à [1]
2.  True  à [1]
3.  [1, 5, 7, 9] à [2] 
4.  b à [1]
5.  d à [3]
6.  a à [5]
7.  b à [3]
8.  b à [2]
9.  c à [2]
10.          b à [1]
11.   {'house': 'Haus', 'blau': 'bleu', 'red': 'rouge', 'cat': 'Katze'} à [2]
12.          c à [3]
13.          { v:k for k,v in x.items() }  OR { v:k for k,v in x.iteritems() } OR dict(zip(x.values(), x.keys())) à [5]
14.          x = [ n for n in range(0, 101, 2) ] à [2]
15.          d à [3]
16.          One possible solution à [5]
def func(mac):
    s = mac.split(“:”)
    return hex(s[5]) == 0
17.          d à [2]
18.          c à [3]
19.          One possible solution: à [3]
def remove_spaces(string):
    return “”.join(string.split(“ “))

20.          One possible solution: à [5]
from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce

def repeats(number_list):
    x = Counter(number_list)
    return reduce(sum, [ k for k,v in x.items() if v == 1 ])

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