Basic TCL Programs:
1.TCL program to find the given numeric value is positive or negative using string commands
set a -10
if {$a < 0} {
puts "$a Is a Negative Number"
} else {
puts "$a Is a Positive Number"
2.TCL Program to find maximum of 3 given numbers.
set a 100
set b 200
set c 150
if {$a>$b && $a>$c} {
puts “a is bigger and value is $a” } elseif {$b>$a && $b>$c} {
puts “b is bigger and value is $b” } else {
puts “c is bigger and value is $c” }
3. TCL program to find number of vowels in a string using string commands
set str "abcde"
set c 0
set l [string length $str]
puts " Length Of The String = $l"
for {set j 0} {$j<$l} {incr j} {
set b [string index $str $j]
if { $b=="a" | $b=="e" | $b=="i" | $b=="o" | $b=="u"} {incr c}
puts " The Number Of vowels Are =$c"
4.TCL program to find out whether the string given by user is palindrome.
set a madam
set len [ string length $a ]
set n [ expr $len/2 ]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i 1 } {
set b [ string index $a $i ]
set c [ expr $len - 1 - $i ]
set d [ string index $a $c ]
if {$b != $d} {
puts "$a is not a Palindrome"
puts "$a is a Palindrome"
5. Write a program that computes the sum of the numbers
set num 100
set sum 0
for {set i 1} {$i<=$num} {incr i} {
set sum [expr $sum + $i]
puts "The Sum of number $num is $sum"
6. Write a tcl program to convert decimal to binary
set i 1000
set res ""
while {$i>0} {
set as [expr {$i%2}]$as
set i [expr {$i/2}]
if {$as==""} {
set as 0
split $as ""
puts "Binary of decimal number $i is: $as"
7 .Write a tcl program to convert hexadecimal to decimal.
set num 589
set x [expr 0x$num]
puts "Decimal format = $x"
8.TCL program to swap two numbers .
x = x+y
y = x-y
x = x-y
set a 50
set b 60
set a [expr $a + $b]
set b [expr $a - $b]
puts "b = $b"
set a [expr $a - $b]
puts "a = $a"
9.TCL program to multiply two numbers without using multiplication operator.
set a 5; set b 10; set s 0
for {set i 1} {$i <= $b} {incr i} {
set s [expr $a + $s]
puts $s
10. TCL program to get name as input from user. Reverse the name [Using for loop] and print character by character [Using while loop].If you find a space or digit while printing, exit the program at that instance.
#! /usr/bin/tclsh
#input from user
puts "enter a number....."
gets stdin a
set len [string length $a]
for {set i $len} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
set x [string index $a $i]
append b $x
puts "$b ...."
set i "0"
while {$i < $len} {
set x [string index $b $i]
if {$x == " "|| [string is digit $x]} {
puts "--->exit due to digit or space"
puts -nonewline $x
incr i;
11. TCL program to find out the square root of given input
set num 256
if {$num < 0} {
puts "Number Entered: $number is -ve number"
} elseif {$num == 0 || $num == 1} {
puts "Square root of $num: is $num"
} else {
set i 1
set s_root 0
while {$num > 0} {
set num [expr $num - $i]
incr i 2
if {$num >= 0} {
incr s_root }
puts "Square Root is: $s_root"
12. TCL program to prints the sum of two squares.
set num1 5; set num2 9;
set num1_1 [expr $num1*$num1]
set num2_2 [expr $num2*$num2]
puts "The Sum is:"
set result [expr $num1_1+$num2_2]
puts $result
13.TCL program to reverse a string.
set a manish
set b [string length $a]
puts $b
for {set i $b} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
puts -nonewline [string index $a [expr $i -1]]
14. TCl Program to print fabonacci series.
set f1 0
set f2 1
set fibo ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 15} {incr i} {
set f3 [expr {$f1 + $f2}]
set f1 $f2
set f2 $f3
append fibo "$f1,"
puts "Fibonacci Series is $fibo"
15.TCl program to print Factorial of a number:
set fact 1
for {set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
puts "$i! = $fact"
set fact [expr {$fact * ($i + 1)}]
16.How to verify whether system installed with 32 bit or 64 bit TCL library
% parray tcl_platform
tcl_platform(byteOrder) = littleEndian
tcl_platform(machine) = i686
tcl_platform(os) = Linux
tcl_platform(osVersion) = 2.6.32-220.el6.i686
tcl_platform(platform) = unix
tcl_platform(tip,268) = 1
tcl_platform(tip,280) = 1
tcl_platform(user) = manish
tcl_platform(wordSize) = 4
If ->tcl_platform(wordSize) = 4 -> It is a 32 bit TCL.
If ->tcl_platform(wordSize) = 8 -> It is a 64 bit TCL.
1.TCL program to find the given numeric value is positive or negative using string commands
set a -10
if {$a < 0} {
puts "$a Is a Negative Number"
} else {
puts "$a Is a Positive Number"
2.TCL Program to find maximum of 3 given numbers.
set a 100
set b 200
set c 150
if {$a>$b && $a>$c} {
puts “a is bigger and value is $a” } elseif {$b>$a && $b>$c} {
puts “b is bigger and value is $b” } else {
puts “c is bigger and value is $c” }
3. TCL program to find number of vowels in a string using string commands
set str "abcde"
set c 0
set l [string length $str]
puts " Length Of The String = $l"
for {set j 0} {$j<$l} {incr j} {
set b [string index $str $j]
if { $b=="a" | $b=="e" | $b=="i" | $b=="o" | $b=="u"} {incr c}
puts " The Number Of vowels Are =$c"
4.TCL program to find out whether the string given by user is palindrome.
set a madam
set len [ string length $a ]
set n [ expr $len/2 ]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i 1 } {
set b [ string index $a $i ]
set c [ expr $len - 1 - $i ]
set d [ string index $a $c ]
if {$b != $d} {
puts "$a is not a Palindrome"
puts "$a is a Palindrome"
5. Write a program that computes the sum of the numbers
set num 100
set sum 0
for {set i 1} {$i<=$num} {incr i} {
set sum [expr $sum + $i]
puts "The Sum of number $num is $sum"
6. Write a tcl program to convert decimal to binary
set i 1000
set res ""
while {$i>0} {
set as [expr {$i%2}]$as
set i [expr {$i/2}]
if {$as==""} {
set as 0
split $as ""
puts "Binary of decimal number $i is: $as"
7 .Write a tcl program to convert hexadecimal to decimal.
set num 589
set x [expr 0x$num]
puts "Decimal format = $x"
8.TCL program to swap two numbers .
x = x+y
y = x-y
x = x-y
set a 50
set b 60
set a [expr $a + $b]
set b [expr $a - $b]
puts "b = $b"
set a [expr $a - $b]
puts "a = $a"
9.TCL program to multiply two numbers without using multiplication operator.
set a 5; set b 10; set s 0
for {set i 1} {$i <= $b} {incr i} {
set s [expr $a + $s]
puts $s
10. TCL program to get name as input from user. Reverse the name [Using for loop] and print character by character [Using while loop].If you find a space or digit while printing, exit the program at that instance.
#! /usr/bin/tclsh
#input from user
puts "enter a number....."
gets stdin a
set len [string length $a]
for {set i $len} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
set x [string index $a $i]
append b $x
puts "$b ...."
set i "0"
while {$i < $len} {
set x [string index $b $i]
if {$x == " "|| [string is digit $x]} {
puts "--->exit due to digit or space"
puts -nonewline $x
incr i;
11. TCL program to find out the square root of given input
set num 256
if {$num < 0} {
puts "Number Entered: $number is -ve number"
} elseif {$num == 0 || $num == 1} {
puts "Square root of $num: is $num"
} else {
set i 1
set s_root 0
while {$num > 0} {
set num [expr $num - $i]
incr i 2
if {$num >= 0} {
incr s_root }
puts "Square Root is: $s_root"
12. TCL program to prints the sum of two squares.
set num1 5; set num2 9;
set num1_1 [expr $num1*$num1]
set num2_2 [expr $num2*$num2]
puts "The Sum is:"
set result [expr $num1_1+$num2_2]
puts $result
13.TCL program to reverse a string.
set a manish
set b [string length $a]
puts $b
for {set i $b} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
puts -nonewline [string index $a [expr $i -1]]
14. TCl Program to print fabonacci series.
set f1 0
set f2 1
set fibo ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 15} {incr i} {
set f3 [expr {$f1 + $f2}]
set f1 $f2
set f2 $f3
append fibo "$f1,"
puts "Fibonacci Series is $fibo"
15.TCl program to print Factorial of a number:
set fact 1
for {set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
puts "$i! = $fact"
set fact [expr {$fact * ($i + 1)}]
16.How to verify whether system installed with 32 bit or 64 bit TCL library
% parray tcl_platform
tcl_platform(byteOrder) = littleEndian
tcl_platform(machine) = i686
tcl_platform(os) = Linux
tcl_platform(osVersion) = 2.6.32-220.el6.i686
tcl_platform(platform) = unix
tcl_platform(tip,268) = 1
tcl_platform(tip,280) = 1
tcl_platform(user) = manish
tcl_platform(wordSize) = 4
If ->tcl_platform(wordSize) = 4 -> It is a 32 bit TCL.
If ->tcl_platform(wordSize) = 8 -> It is a 64 bit TCL.
Great insights. I look forward to reading what you're planning on next, because your post is a nice read.
ReplyDeletekissanime alternatives
Thanks for helping me